Want to write devotions for sheaves?
If you are a born again Christian writer living in obedience to your Saviour, conservatively orthodox in doctrine and practice, please read our doctrinal statement first, and if you are in agreement and would like to participate as a regular or guest writer, please eMail with a proposal. All material must be presented from a distinctively Christian point of view, and all material is subject to editorial acceptance by one or more editors before being published on Sheaves.
Note that Sheaves Christian Resource is a non-profit entity that does not accept advertising or pay remuneration for writers. Each sheaves writer, however, will be permitted to have a text footer advertising their web site or other (commercial) writing.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are not necessarily congruent in any or every respect with those of AFBC, TWU, or any other organization or community to which the editor, Rick Sutcliffe belongs.